Innovation // Trusted Partner // Culture

2020 Year in Review: Perseverance, Purpose and Achievement

December 08, 2020

Through the unique challenges we faced in 2020, Lineage remained steadfast to our greater purpose: to transform the food supply chain to eliminate waste and help feed the world. It’s this purpose and an unwavering commitment to our customers that drive our accomplishments, and it’s an honor to be recognized both within and outside of our industry.

Finding opportunity in adversity.

In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, Lineage and our partners in the food supply chain were called upon like never before. We were entrusted to ensure food would be safely and readily available to people everywhere, while also reacting on the fly to seismic shifts in consumer shopping behaviors, without losing focus on keeping our Team Members and communities safe.

As the leader in the temperature-controlled storage and logistics industry, Lineage was able to answer this calling by focusing our energy into helping feed the world when it mattered most. 

Thanks to the thousands of Team Members across the Lineage network, we were able to rise up and meet these challenges while continuing to advance our industry. We were able to step up to keep grocery store shelves full and help our customers adapt. We were able to lend a hand and support our communities – all the while, we continued to work relentlessly to find new ways to reduce waste, save energy and get more food to people in need.

Results that are recognized and awarded.

As a clear demonstration of our commitment to transforming the global food supply chain, Lineage was proud to be named to Fortune magazine’s annual “Change the World” list. This annual ranking identifies companies that achieve important social and environmental impacts. Fortune specifically called out our redesigned and optimized blast freezing process, and an energy efficiency and scheduling algorithm we developed known as flywheeling. These two advances allowed us to greatly reduce the amount of resources we use to keep the product we handle at its highest quality. In addition to helping our customers, these two breakthroughs also contributed to Lineage being recognized with the U.S. Department of Energy Better Project Award for the second consecutive year.

Lineage is also uniquely positioned to help meet the growing food-security issues that have become more urgent than ever in light of COVID-19. For our “Share A Meal” campaign that brought the equivalent of 100 million meals to people in need, Feeding America® named us a Visionary Partner. Receiving this honor demonstrates our continued commitment to our Feeding America partnership and our ongoing efforts to make a positive impact in our communities.