
Wherever Food Needs to Go, We’ve Got the Network to Get it There

August 04, 2020

Take a place at any table.

The way the world eats today would have been unimaginable at any other time in human history. Thanks to the global food supply chain, we can enjoy foods grown or produced from anywhere in the world.

The more points in the supply chain a product has to travel before it’s consumed directly impacts our customers’ bottom lines. At Lineage Logistics, it’s our job to help customers navigate the supply chain and get their fresh and frozen products to consumers as efficiently and effectively as possible, and the ability to access a widespread and diverse global network of temperature-controlled facilities can be a gamechanger.

That’s why Lineage has connected the dots for our customers and built the world’s largest network of temperature-controlled warehouses.

Location matters. The number of locations matters more.

The Lineage network offers access to more than 300 facilities spanning 13 countries across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. We boast a storage capacity of more than 1.9 billion cubic feet and

54 million square feet. This network and capacity enables our customers to leverage the power and reach of a single source to store their products to the same specifications from beginning to end.

Right where our customers need to be.

At Lineage, it’s not just about being the biggest, it’s also about being the best positioned. That’s why we’ve invested in building a vast, far-reaching facility network, putting our customers near large population centers in major U.S. and international markets. From Los Angeles to Shanghai, London to Melbourne, we can help customers reach consumers wherever they may be.

Lineage also operates in many of the world’s largest ports. With more than 80 facilities located in or near the likes of the ports of Seattle, Long Beach, Houston, Miami, Auckland and Ho Chi Minh City, we can help bring the cuisines of the world to consumers across the globe.

Our network is an opportunity.

Lineage’s unrivaled collection of cold storage facilities gives our customers the access and capacity to grow and expand their businesses. Through mergers and acquisitions, we’re strategically growing our global footprint to offer even more access to key consumer markets. With $400M+ in greenfields and expansions completed or underway, Lineage is modernizing and building out our capacity to give customers what they need in the places they need it most. We’re also leading our industry forward with the largest network of automated facilities.

At Lineage, we never stop investing in new ways to give our customers the world: 300+ global facilities, 13 countries, 5 continents, 1.9 billion cubic feet of capacity.